Finally the results...our team consisting of SpaceWorks Engineering and SpaceDev won the Apophis Mission Design Competition. Congratulations to our entire team and the rest of the winners. Here is a summary with links to press releases, news stories, etc.
Engineering services and concept development firm SpaceWorks Engineering, Inc. (SEI) and innovative space systems provider SpaceDev, Inc. announce that their Foresight radio beacon spacecraft design has won the Planetary Society's international Apophis mission design competition. The competition' s purpose was to design a "tagging" mission to improve knowledge of the asteroid Apophis' orbit. More than thirty international teams entered the contest.
Link: SEI Press Release
Link: Planetary Society competition summary page
Link: Planetary Society press release
Link: Planetary Society winners announcement
A two page executive summary of the Foresight spacecraft can be found here: Foresight Flyer.
SEI/SpaceDev's five page presentation from the press conference at the Planetary Society on 26 February 2008 can be found here: Foresight Presentation at The Planetary Society Press Conference.
The full report can be found here: Foresight Final Report.
Foresight spacecraft images can be found below and at the SEI Image Gallery.
Other Media Stories:
Link: Wired.com article
Link: BBC News Article